This item is a pledge to donate $5,000 NZD for the "Orbell" NZDA History Display Case to complete the New Zealand National Hunting & Shooting Museum.
Important: By purchasing this item using the "Buy It Now" button for $100, you commit to making a full donation within 7 days. The full terms are below.
Significance of this Display:
Dr Orbell was a founder of NZDA. He was a Southland doctor who is widely known for re-discovering the takahē in Fiordland’s remote Murchison Mountains. This display case will showcase the early history of deerstalking and the founding of NZDA Inc, now the largest hunting and conservation group in New Zealand. Orbell was a keen deerstalker and with the foresight and help of others left a legacy for Kiwi recreational hunters that needs its story told.
Donor Recognition:
In recognition of your generous donation, you will receive an engraved plaque on the display dedicated to you, your business, or your family, an exclusive Svord knife only for major museum donors, and a commemorative gold-plated coin in a presentation box.
All donations are tax-free and tax-deductible, as the Heritage Museum is a charitable organisation.
How it works:
Click "Buy It Now" to make your pledge and secure this display and its related "Donor Recognition" Package. We will then contact you with a Donation Invoice/Tax Receipt, and you will deposit your donation (Account: 03-0502-0440671-000).
Failure to complete the donation or agree a timeframe for donation with the trustees (email office@deerstalkers.org.nz) will result in a relisting of this display. You will be sent a metallic coin for a $100 donation equal to the pledge amount.
Background to the Museum:
The NZDA Heritage Museum aims to be the first and only museum dedicated to preserving the history of big game hunting in New Zealand.
The Museum project was officially launched in 2000. After 24 years of painstaking volunteer curation, it is almost ready to open its doors to the public and share stories they have never heard before. The museum already has many visitors despite a lack of promotion. Visitors' reactions to the magnificent heads mounted on the walls are always a special experience. Adults and children alike stare wide-eyed at the trophies, and you can see them filled with wonder at the idea of these animals walking around the New Zealand bush.
When completed, the museum will also share the stories of each of these trophies and introduce people to how hunting has been a core part of New Zealand's evolution and the part that recreational hunters play in conservation.
The Museum is scheduled to open in June 2024, and in preparation, new cabinets have been installed, and new glass for the secure gun room has been ordered. This will allow people to see firearms behind protective museum glass in a context that highlights them as conservation tools, which is different from media portrayals of them in recent years.
Although we are nearly at the opening date, some key costs, including IT infrastructure, cabinets, and security glass for the gunroom, need to be paid for.
As such, we are launching a fundraiser campaign to help cover the costs of this remarkable endeavour. The campaign offers a range of different options so everyone can contribute. They range from this listing for a $50 donation, where you receive a limited edition Heritage Coin, to $5000 for cabinet sponsors, for which you can see other listings, and $10,000 for a wall in the gun room.
Important note
This is a pledge for a more significant donation to be made via bank transfer. Please select this option and then bank transfer the donation sum. The bank account is provided in your receipt. This helps us avoid paying excessive fees to Shopify.
Should you wish to donate more than $9,999, please consider sponsoring a gun room panel via our other listings.
Additional Notes:
- All donations over $5 are tax deductible.
- Donation go to NZDA National Heritage Trust Inc, a registered charity.
Join Us: Every contribution helps preserve and share a pivotal aspect of New Zealand's hunting and shooting heritage. Visit our website at www.deerstalkers.org.nz and learn more about our efforts.
New Zealand Deerstalkers’ Association National Heritage Trust Inc. | Registered Charitable Trust CC52453 | Est. 2000