Angus of Windylea is the star of this book, a black Cocker Spaniel. He came into the lives of Temple Sutherland and his wife Sam when they lived in the Buller area during the 1930s.
Surrounded by the bush they attempted to earn a living during the economic depression. Living a simple life they enjoyed the bounty of the bush with hunting and fishing at hand. In search of gold they lived in a framed tent while they worked their claim, sleeping with the gelignite under the bunk to keep it warm in winter. Throughout it all Angus was there providing the lighter moments and the memories shared in this book. Temple Sutherland arrived in New Zealand in his teens and started his working life as a farm hand. Later he moved to the Nelson area where this book is set. He travelled extensively around New Zealand and wrote several books about his experiences, although 'The Golden Bush' is his best known.